Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Another bounty

I am a little behind this week, both in eating the veggies and writing here. My excuses 1)I've had a cold that I can't seem to shake 2)I didn't make any new recipes last week 3) I worked this weekend, which was three days. We fell behind with our veggie consumption since 1) I don't bring my lunch to work when it is the weekend because there is no time to waste walking back to my office when the café is right there 2) we ate out Saturday night 2/2 bad planning (still not sure if it was my fault we didn't defrost chicken, or if it was Bert's fault for not thinking about it while I slaved away at work) 3)we ate out Sunday night (he had plans with his friend, and well, I invited myself along so I wasn't stuck cooking for myself 4)Bert always gets takeout for all his meals when I work.

Going into Sunday we still had two cucumbers, a head of broccoli and squash casserole leftovers remaining.

Bert picked up the following
2 tomatoes
2 peaches
Head of broccoli
Bunch of beets
2 eggplant
3 peppers
2 squash
4 cucumbers
4 ears of corn
4 potatoes
1 onion
Bunch of radishes

I think this is the start of a recipe for ratatouille in there... too bad Bert tends to not like tomatoes and eggplant.

Two complaints. 1) Bert didn't pick up this week's newsletter which usually has recipe ideas and the farm is behind in posting the newsletter to the blog, so I am on my own. 2) He tossed the peaches in the giant grocery bag, so by the time he got home they were all bruised!

We finally ate at home on Monday evening, for my birthday! Bert steamed the corn, sauteed the broccoli and chicken, like I asked him to. I brought two cucumbers to work to share. We ate out last night because I needed a drink after working the weekend and here we are, Wednesday, and a long way to go with the veggies.

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