Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Comedy of Risotto

We made the risotto dish again last night since it is pretty easy.
I really wanted to go to the gym after work on Tuesday since I hadn't been in a while. As I was leaving work I texted Bert: "going to the gym. we need to defrost chicken." He knows that means I forgot to take some out that morning, and when he gets home he needs to start running the single breast under water (it takes about 30minutes and a lot of water to do it this way).  As I walked to the gym I remembered that we didn't have any starch for the meal, and we had leftover ingredients to make the risotto again. This time I called him, because I have a dumbphone and typing instructions into a text would take forever. I had to leave a message: "Hi hon, let's make the risotto again tonight. The kale is already washed and ready to use, and the tomato sauce is in a Tupperware container in the fridge. I hope to be home by 6, but if you can start that around 6, then we can eat around 7. Love you! "
After my work-out my sugar was low, so I couldn't race home. Instead I sat on a bench and drank Gatorade. I texted him again, "my sugar is low, need to wait before I walk home." When my sugar felt better I started to walk home. I decided I should probably text him again so he knows I didn't pass out in a ditch or something: "I am getting close" at 6:30.

I get home finally and the first thing he says to me is "I failed." And I know that means, he is just starting dinner.  Oh well. The onion was chopped and hitting the pan as I walked through the door. Oh well.

Where did the communication break down? Well, he defrosted the chicken without a problem. But the phone call did me in. For some reason that night he wasn't able to reach his VM. He thought the message might be from his mom and he would call her later when he got home. I was vaguely concerned that I didn't hear anything back from him through all of this, but not enough for me to panic. NBD. When he got the text that I was on my way home, he looked at his phone and realized the VM service was working and I had left a message.... with specific directions.

We ate a little later that night, but it was fine as I had time to freshen up before we sat down.

I have today off so I changed up my lunch. I had one tortilla wrap in the fridge, plenty of lentils, kale and cheese leftover. I made a quesadilla for lunch and cooked the rest of the kale, knowing we could eat it as a side later that night.

Sunday through Tuesday we should have served more veggies with the risotto to help use up the vegetables. Basically we didn't make a dent in the box those nights! Rookie mistake.

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