Friday, July 18, 2014

Kale chips

Tonight I finished the lentils, 1/2 of the beet greens, and the roasted beets. Bert tried to finish the Swiss Chard. He ate the leftover Greens Pizza from last night. Half way through the "slice" he told me that he doesn't think we should do this next year (the CSA) since he doesn't like Swiss Chard... or beets. I tried telling him that he should try something at least 15 times before making a decision, because that's about how many tries it takes to acquire the taste of a new food. He then told me that we have an agreement that he only has to try something 3times before making a decision. I vaguely remember this agreement, but am pretty sure it was strictly about texturized vegetable protein as a meat substitute. (He eats tofu fine).

He did offer to drive me to the Farmer's Market every Saturday to pick up fruits and vegetables instead of getting a box. I told him we won't make any decisions until next year since we never know what next summer is going to look like. For now, we have a commitment until fall.

I guess I'll be eating the vegetables myself, and possibly sharing with my co-worker's if I can't get through the veggies quick enough. I certainly can't eat squash and zucchini every day for an entire summer, which right now is about the only thing he eats consistently from the box (and he will eat kale),

I prepared kale chips tonight. Recipe here:
Washed the kale, but didn't dry it. Chopped it. I used my Misto spray with canola oil to spray the kale. The bunch formed about 3 layers on the sheet. If I was smart, I would have sprayed each layer separately. I then put in the oven for 10minutes or so, I didn't set a timer. The top was crunchy looking and browning when I took them out to add the Parmesan cheese (front the green shaker). I took them out of the oven after maybe 5mintues.  At this point I decided I should have tossed them around a little during the baking process. Oh well. I tossed them and put them back in a little longer, maybe another 5 minutes, but the oven was off (since I thought I was done), so I just put them in the warm oven a little longer. Finally, I took them out for real. They are so good for snacking!! Great use for extra kale. Not sure I would buy a bunch though just to make chips.

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